Rife PEMF or Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency therapy is based on electro frequencies that are used in with pulsed magnetic fields to help improve and support health. This technology also activates certain functions within the body to support general health.

As a non-invasive, drug-less,  alternative to regular painkillers, PEMF technology definitely has a place in the future or medicine.

How does it work? 

Most every germ or pathogen has its own resonant frequency at which it will vibrate and shake until its structure is disrupted, much like the old adage about the opera singer shattering a wine glass with her voice. Most bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, etc., have very weak outer cell walls and when the right “frequency” is aimed at them, they will dissolve and fall apart. Unlike anti-biotics, which kills the good and bad bacteriea, Rife therapy poses no danger to mammalian cell membranes and cell organelles, because they do not have structures that are permanently disrupted.


What happens during a session?

Depending on the condition requiring treatment you will sit comfortably with hand-held electrodes, or with the feet on contact plates, while a selected series of frequencies courses quietly through the body. Each frequency has its particular target. A treatment may last between 15 and 90 minutes depending on the condition being treated. Sessions are repeated several times a week until clinical improvement occurs, then once a week for a few weeks to ensure continued success.

Symptoms of detoxification may initially be experienced, which may include headaches, lassitude or body aches, but these are only temporary and are quickly followed by a sense of well being. It is vitally important to ensure adequate intake of pure water [at least 2 litres of filtered or distilled water over 24 hours] after each treatment to flush out dead organisms and metabolic waste by-products.

RIFE treatment can be used to complement other therapies or treatment. It addresses the cause of many diseases rather than just the symptoms.

Some of the benefits of Rife Treatment

  • Rife is non-invasive in the sense that the skin is not broken and there is no damage to normal, healthy tissues and cells etc. The frequencies scanned through are purposely only in the range that are harmful to bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc.
  • Rife can be used synergistically with other treatment modalities without the danger of harmful interactions as with drug therapy. There are certain contraindications for use but these are few and are thoroughly covered in the Treatment Protocols.
  • Rife can be focused on a specific physical location where other modalities could not penetrate without surgery, or without losing effectiveness, e.g., periodontal and dental problems like the inside of the teeth and gums, the lungs, the arteries and arterioles, bones, joints, ligaments, etc. Many diseases are now known to be caused and/or aggravated by “leaky teeth and gums”.(This is not to imply the rife can replace Dentistry, but only that it is a valuable adjunct to proper Dental care.)
  • Rife is non-toxic (little or no side effects other than the standard kill-off effect, i.e. Herxheimer, caused by any modality that destroys pathogens and necessitates the body having to clean up and detoxify the mess; this is a well known and documented effect of any treatment that actually works!) as opposed to most drugs, and is non-damaging to normal tissue in contrast to surgery. It has no ionizing radiation and so cannot cause damage to the immune system or DNA breakage, etc.
  • Rife is currently being used by doctors in South Africa, Germany and all over the world in conjunction with other effective therapies

Rife is effective in most microbial-based diseases. For example, rife can be used in situations like rheumatic diseases where the pain-relieving results can seem mysterious until one realizes that….

“It is quite clear that autoimmunity plays a major role in the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. Most rheumatology investigators believe that an infectious agent causes rheumatoid arthritis. There is little agreement as to the involved organism. Investigators have proposed the following infectious agents: Human T-cell lymphotropic virus Type I, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, herpesvirus, and mycoplasma.” Dr. Mercola